About Thandeka Knowledge Hub

THANDEKA KNOWLEDGE HUB PTY LTD (2023/775788/07) was established in May 2023. It is dedicated to build empowered literacy communities by providing access to lifelong learning. The Thandeka Knowledge Hub is a brainchild of Thandeka Legae. She is skilled in literacy through her academic training and has acquired the necessary skills and experience in her career of over 20 years in Library and Information Services. AIM The aim is to promote and improve literacy levels in communities, and to empower communities through literacy programmes. Our Vison It envisions communities where all individuals are literate and empowered. Our Vision We want to instil a culture of reading, literacy and promote lifelong learning and to have a positive impact and make a difference in communities. Our Values • Inclusivity: to work with everyone regardless of race, age, religion or gender • Hard work and dedication to provide a quality service to meet the needs of the communities. • Advocacy to encourage individuals and sponsors to support the hub • Earning Trust, Honesty and Accountability towards all our clients • Giving Respect to all our clients and community members

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umakhwapheni: a side chick,details the trials and tribulations of one min`enhle,a walking third wheel in a love triangle. minenhle, who serves as a typical sample of the multitudes of women who choose to be the spare wheel of a car that takes them nowhere fast- emblematic of a life that is often- times mired in a life that is filled with turmoil, anguish and consternation- wastes several precious year...

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